Here are 11 facts about Chandrayaan 3 

Chandrayaan-3 landing  on August

Chandrayaan 3 is expected to touch the Moon surface by soft landing on 23 August after a 40-days long voyage. It will be the first country to land on the Moon's south pole.

Land and Rover Mission 

Unlike Chandrayaan 2, which consisted of an orbiter, lander, and  rover, Chandrayaan 3 is a dedicated lander and rover mission.

India's historic achievements

India will be the fourth country after the USA, former Soviet Union and China to land on the Moon. And India will be the first country to land on the Moon's south pole if it succeeds in soft landing.

Enhanced reliability of Chandrayaan-3

ISRO has made significant changes to enhance the reliability of the Chandrayaan-3 to its predecessor 2 & 1. This time the Lander's weight is increased by 280 kg and carries more fuel for the lunar journey. 

ISRO's Involvement 

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is responsible for  the design, development, and execution of Chandrayaan 3 

Rover Capabilities 

The rover carried by Chandrayaan 3 is equipped with scientific  instruments to analyse lunar soil, rocks, and surface characteristics. 

International Collaboration 

Chandrayaan 3 might include collaborative efforts with  international space agencies, contributing to the sharing of knowledge and expertise. 

Landing Site Selection 

ISRO scientists meticulously select the landing site based on  factors such as safety, scientific significance, and communication capabilities.

Payloads and Instruments 

Chandrayaan 3's payloads and instruments are designed to  gather crucial data about the Moon's composition, geology, and potential resources.

capacity of Chandrayaan-3

The total weight of the craft is 3,900 kg out of which 2148 kg is for propulsion and 1752 kg is the combined weight of the Lander and Rover.

Scientific Discoveries 

Chandrayaan 3 is expected to contribute to our understanding of  the Moon's history, geology, and evolution, as well as provide insights into its potential for  future exploration and habitation.